Brand Love - Meet WERKWAARDIG


New in the online shop and on our blog, we’re excited to introduce WERKWAARDIG - a danish design team dedicated to adding some fun in to boring mass interior design…

Where are you located?

Werkwaardig’s Studio, Office and Warehouse is located in Amsterdam.

What sparked the beginning of your brand?

Timo and Diederik (founders of Werkwaardig) both graduated as product designer. With their graduation, Dutch design - products they immediately get interest from potential clients. They started the brand Werkwaardig and developed more unique products that has become a new fresh section of Dutch Design.

How did you become interested in interior objects?

During fairs we always get fascinated about the existing of so many furniture- and interior brands that are all doing the same. In our opinion that’s a shame. It is not only super not sustainable, but it makes also every interior look the same. We’re giving customers the choice to create a unique, different and quirky interior.

Is there a story or interesting facts behind the candleholders?

The Twisted Candleholder is a first collaboration with an external Designer: Ward Wijnant:

"Ward Wijnant (1987, Tilburg) developed during his studies at the Wood and Furniture College various furniture making techniques and a broad material knowledge. However, the manufacture of a furniture piece was not enough for him; Ward missed depth, crea- tivity and the story behind an object. At the Design Academy Ein- dhoven he learned conceptual thinking and working. He graduated as an independent designer and started his own company in 2015. Ward’s work is characterized by experimenting with materials. The unexpected as a discovery in a product is meaningful for him.

With his objects Ward wants to show the origins of craftsmanship. He sees it as a mission to interpret the diversity of old methods and materials in ultimate, contemporary design that pays attention to detail and finish, as well as a historical understanding of the orig- inal artisanal mastery. Ward gets inspired by the construction of traditionally made objects, how the materials are handled and how secure joints are constructed. Artisanal methods combined with versatile materials embody a particular aesthetic. This is exactly what Ward wants to show in his designs: how the materials, and the way in which they are processed, influence the shape. He wants to show materials from a new perspective and with a fresh look at ancient craft techniques.”

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