Art Love - Meet Studio Monoluz


I’m excited to introduce the creative behind Studio Monoluz to you - and her handmade monoprints inspired by the moon and the Pilatus Mountain…”Two powerful elements brought together in one colorful ‘Moonprint’”…

Where are you located?

Luzern, Switzerland <3

Can you share a little about yourself and your path to becoming an artist?

Well, I was born with ‘graphic blood’. My father was a graphic designer and had his own printing company. So I grew up in this and I have inherited the love for shapes, colors, composition and printing since childhood. My mother taught my twin sister and me to pay attention to details and finishing touches.

Later I started studying media and followed a minor in art direction. In addition, I always made my heart smile with photography and being creative in many different ways. Last year I stopped working as an editor/content creator and since I live here in Switzerland there is room to make monoprints from the heart. Besides the adventure of being a mother, I was able to set up my own studio with my husband as great support.. Unfortunately my father passed away, but his creativity lives on in my art, in my own way. Which I am very grateful for!

What inspires your prints?

Nature inspires me and especially the Pilatus and the Moon are my muses at the moment. Two powerful elements displayed in rich colors. I find the lunar cycle very interesting and wonderful. In daily life, I like to be involved with this and that is why I chose it as one of the main elements in my monoprints or: ‘Moonprints’. The Pilatus has made me feel at home here from day one. I moved here from the Netherlands. Every day the Pilatus looks different and can be recognized from far. He always catches my attention and I immediately feel at home when I return from the Netherlands. Rich colors inspire me and pink is one of my favorite colors. It also works as a kind of color therapy when I’m making my Moonprints and I hear from others that it makes them happy. And that makes me happy!

What draws you to the technique you’re using and can you tell us a little about it?

This was an interesting process! I was looking for possibilities to create beautiful smooth surfaces of acrylic paint without painting. I experimented a lot and came across a gel plate. This is normally used for other techniques, but I found out that this way I got on paper what I had in mind. What makes it even more special is that I generally only work with two layers. This makes it a surprise every time I try a new color combination because the colors mix. So by using two colors, I create three colors. That’s a party and a great process. Each print is unique, so even though I use the same colors, the prints can differ from each other, for example due to friction of the paper on the plate or just a little more or less paint. Imperfectly perfect and it makes it very dynamic!

So I work with a printing plate of gel and selfmade templates. With a roller I roll the acrylic paint on the plate, place my template on it, put a paper on top and roll over it with the roller. Then the next layer in the same way. And then you have a ‘MoonPrint"‘

Extra: share your favourite places for coffee/food/drinks/entertainment in your home town?

You can find me outside in the Bireggwald as much as possible to ‘forest bathe’, I walk along the water to the city and stop at one of the terraces along the way for a nice Matcha Latte and I like to gaze at the tops of the Alps from Tribschen. This summer we’re going to explore more nice places, because our little Sem is old enough to join the terrace season!

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