Interview w/ Oha Studio


New in the online shop, Mario Vontobel of Oha Studio has certainly created a beautiful and timeless object with his line of handmade vases. Read on for the story behind the vase, his process and some of his favorite places in St. Gallen.

Where are you based?

Always on the move but currently based in lovely St.Gallen, Switzerland. Previously pitched tents in Stockholm, Helsinki and Zürich. Being locals with an international outlook is very important to me.

What made you want to start your brand?

As a curious person it was always fun for me to figure out how stuff works. Trying to improve things and life around me has become my passion. As a Designer I can apply my tools to all areas of everyday life.

Creating your own business allows you to choose on which area you want to focus on by yourself. When, what and how you work on an idea is up to you. This modus operandi is increasingly important to me.

What is inspiring you?

inspiration follows observation. Observing nature, people, materials and atmospheres among other things, lies at the beginning of the process.

What advice would you give to creatives who want to start their own business or creative project?

Just do it. Beginnings are hard but you just have to start somewhere. Best to start talking about your ideas or project with other people. It will become more real once it not just in your head anymore and you never know you might find someone helping you on your journey.

Can you tell us a little about the design of the vases and the story behind it? What was the inspiration and do you have more objects you plan to create?

The Vessel project started more like an experiment, a first encounter with the material and techniques during the time in Finland. The shape is the result of the search for a vessel to carry and pouring water. On the upper part the conical shape forms a handle, a funnel and stage for anything you want to present in the vase. The surface finish started to take shape when experimenting with different glazes and applying techniques. The vases which are handmade become unique as the glazing is a bit different on all of them.

At the moment there are a couple of new projects we are working on but closest to market is a stool where we are trying to adapt the farm to table ultra local concept to furniture design.

A little extra: Can you share some of your favorite spots in St. Gallen?

In St.Gallen the Botanical Garden and the forests around town are very nice. There is also Haus zur Ameise where a couple of creatives showcase their own and their friends work from Switzerland and all around the world. Most fun when interested in illustration you’ll also find a very welcoming atmosphere there.

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