Brand Love - Meet WHAT ABOUT NEON


New in the online shop and on our blog, WHAT ABOUT NEON is adding some colour to our life via neon themed postcards and prints. Read on for a little about Thom and Doris…

Thank you both!

What was the inspiration to starting WHAT ABOUT NEON?

Creating a postcard every day, sending it to my best friends and overcoming lockdown. That‘s how this joyful project with postcards was born - and will now brighten also your friends‘ mail-boxes.

What is inspiring your designs?

The graphic patterns are created using brushes, watercolor paint, and neon. All made by hand painting. We like minimal graphic art and are convinced that postcards without flowers and slogans can be amazing.

The cards are printed by our lithographer in Zurich on beautiful Lessebo paper, 400g/m2, utilizing offset printing with neon. The posters we realized together with Zurich based silk print studio Miss Lombardi. A silkscreen print with 3 colors as a limited edition of 50pc each print, signed and numbered, also on Lessebo paper from Sweden.

Can you tell us a little about yourselves and Studio F?

Studio F is a small graphic and communication Studio in Zurich. We are Thom and Doris. We work for different brands creating, brand identity graphic design and photografie, and marketing.

Do you have any advice for anyone starting their own creative project?

Everybody can be creative, It only takes passion and joy.

extra: share your favourite places for coffee/food/drinks/entertainment in Zurich?

Staring for a coffee at Bank, Lunch at Statione Paradiso, Dinner at Josef and the best wines and host at Meierei.

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