Eikon | Issue #122 - Inge Morath

Eikon | Issue #122 - Inge Morath

CHF 19.00

Since 1991, the magazine EIKON has dealt with Austrian and International artists in the field of photography and media art. Quarterly, with an average of 100 pages, the international magazine offers well-founded articles in German and English alongside extended picture spreads.

The present issue focus, which Pia Draskovits designed for EIKON and which traces the most important stages in Inge Morath's life, is also intended to pay homage to the work of the extraordinary photographer on the occasion of the anniversary.

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EIKON #122 (Juni 2023)
Künstler:innen | Farah Al Qasimi | Judith Fegerl | Philipp Fleischmann | Peter Weibel
IM FOKUS | Inge Morath

Sprachen | Deutsch / Englisch
Format | 280 x 210 mm
ISBN |  978-3-904083-15-7
96 Seiten

Almost 100 years ago to the day, Inge Morath was born in Graz. To honor this milestone birthday, the Magnum photographer's work will be negotiated throughout 2023 in various exhibitions (with a focus on her temporary home in Salzburg) and new publications; much of it under the auspices of the Fotohof, which has made a special contribution to publicizing Morath's work in her former homeland (and which, logically enough, resides in the Inge Morath Square in Salzburg's Lehen district, which it itself created).

Inge Morath, who was actually trained as a linguist and translator, initially worked as an editor for various periodicals before she first took up the camera in the early 1950s under the influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson and his precise image composition. Her first major assignments followed shortly thereafter, taking her to various metropolises around the globe. In addition to the commissioned work for the Magnum photo agency, Morath pushed free photographic projects on her numerous travels, with which she could devote herself to her personal interests beyond the mainstream. At the same time, her photographs also testify to "her empathy, her lack of narcissism, her curiosity about other human beings and cultures, her hope that art could be a candle against the darker elements of human nature," as her daughter Rebecca Miller puts it in the preface to the opulent volume Inge Morath. Hommage (Schirmer/Mosel, 2022) describes.


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