Saya Accessories: Sustainable, Handmade, Fairtrade


How does it sound to A. Move to Bali B. Fall in Love C. Meet some surfers and start a sustainable brand with them…and that’s not even the whole story! I was so happy to connect with Viktoria from Saya Accessories and now to offer a selection of her handmade bags and 2 beautiful bracelets in the online shop. Just by email alone, Viktoria radiates warmth and kindness and you can see these characteristics reflected in her designs and communications. Read on to hear her story and to learn more about Saya Accessories…


I saw mentions of Austria, Australia and Bali - all dream countries by themselves…where are you based?

Originally I am from the mountains - Innsbruck, Austria. I moved to Bali 7 years ago as I am in love with surfing and the ocean. Here in Bali I also met my husband, he is from Australia. We go there sometimes to visit his family. Also sometimes we go back to Austria for holidays. However, we are the happiest when living the island life in Bali =)

I can totally imagine…So besides the physical journeys, what has been the path towards or inspiration in creating your brand?

Actually different reasons inspired me. I am a translator and even though I love my job, I missed being creative. Here in Bali there are so many people from different backgrounds that have their own business and being surrounded by so many brave young entrepreneurs gave me the courage to try it as well. I met a few local artisans, some of them are people that I met through surfing and so we decided to work together.


What does “Saya” mean?

SAYA is the Indonesian word for “I”, “my”. SAYA products are carefully selected to bring uninhibited self-belief to the person wearing them.

Can you talk a little about the sustainability and how your items are produced in Bali?

All our products are 100% handmade and we use mainly natural materials like rattan and bamboo.

It starts with the selection of the right branches and leaves. After these natural materials have been properly prepared, they are handwoven into the requested shape. Once the bags have been woven and sun-dried, they are put into a special oven and smoked over coconut husks to receive their distinctive colour. Finally, a unique Batik lining is sewn into the bag.

We don’t employ workers directly and pay them just a salary, which in Indonesia is very low. We pay a fair price for each bag we get made and can therefore guarantee that the workers get rewarded accordingly. We usually work with artisan families, where the whole family is involved in the production process!

I wrote a blog post that goes more in depth on this that you can read here :)

We learn a lot by starting projects and businesses like these, do you have advice for other creatives looking to start their own businesses or creative projects?

You need to do choose something you are passionate about. Starting your own business can be very challenging and you encounter new issues all the time. If your heart is not in it, you are likely to give up quickly. I am not exactly a fashion guru, but I love Indonesian people, meeting different artisans and getting inspired by their cultures and way of life. This is what keeps me motivated.


And a few more prying questions :)

Favorite places for shopping in Bali?

Hmm, I’m not really going to stores here but I love going to the markets. We have beautiful artisan markets that take place regularly in Canggu and also Ubud is the center for some amazing artisan work.

Are you listening to any great podcasts or reading anything particularly good right now?

I just finished reading The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul. It is about five independent very inspiring women from different worlds trying to do their little bit to make Afghanistan a better place.

Recommendations for bars/restaurants/cafe where you’re based?

Wow, good question. We have countless restaurants in Canggu from any cuisine you could wish for. I always try to support local so I will recommend my favourite little restaurant, it is called “Warung Satya”, run by a lovely Balinese family.

If you come to Bali and want to try authentic Balinese food please ask for Babi Guling or Ayam Lalapan ;)

You can also try the Sambal, which is a traditional chili sauce. But only if you are okay with spicy food, because it will burn your mouth :D

Favorite band/music you’re listening to now?

I am listening to the song “Spirits” from The Strumbellas over and over.

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